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I'm having trouble doing scapegoats. I just stop being able to fire employees and then I can't fire 20 scapegoats. I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong but I just can't complete the mission...

you can do it over more than 1 scandle

Yeah I got really enamored into this game and I forgot about this comment. As always, I figured it out like two seconds later :') Sorry!! 

This is really fun! Although I'm having trouble getting the alternate endings

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Went afk for 1 minute, came back and it said I lost the game ;( Was on mission 12 or 13.

Great, fun, and unique game.

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Cancel is far too powerful an abilty as it does not gather much Suspicion and any Suspicion you do gain can easily be gottin rid of by firing Fake Employees.

I feel like it should only be available during a scandel, limiting the amount of times you can cancel a prouduct while giving scandels a purpose in the late game. 

Other than that this is a great game with an intreasting premise, I would love to see it explored futher.